Swasiah’s, position on the most recent decision of the UN Security Council

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No : DSEN2014022201





After three years of giving the criminal Bashar Al Assad an undeclared license to commit all forms of genocide against the orphaned Syrian people, the UN security council assembled today in New York for an exhibition of ritual and protocol, full of sonorous and resonant words about conscience and feeling and the suffering of the Syrians, et cetera.  And after the international chorus finished its hymn, this great mountain produced a small mouse, defanged and declawed:

An international decision demanding the lifting of the blockade, an end to the use of barrel bombs, and allowing the United Nations to provide humanitarian aid to the Syrians who are suffering from hunger and disease sometimes, and from the barrels of death and ballistic missile strikes and attacks by government forces and often by the sectarian militias affiliated with them.  

The Syrian Human Rights Organization, while it thanks Australia, Luxembourg and Jordan for their initiative, wishes to emphasize that this decision is much too little, much too late.  Curiously it lacks any penalties or criminal consequences for any failure to apply it, although it contemplates the possibility of other steps in the event of any failure to adhere to it.

The message of the representative of the Syrian regime was clear from its title; after serving up a stew of lies and fabrications, he stated that no humanitarian aid will be allowed to enter Syria through the neighboring countries in a way that violates what he referred to  as “Syrian sovereignty.”

Until we meet again for the next episode of international hypocrisy from the U.N. Security Council, by which time there will be nothing left of the Syrian people except Bashar al-Assad, his minions, his shabiha, and his supporters.


Damascus 22/02/2014                                                        Border of Administration


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