Article 39

As an act of aggression upon  what has happened, Security Council decides whether a threat to  peace has took place, and offers its recommendations according to the provisions of Articles 41 and 42,in process to maintain international peace and security.

Article 42

Should the Security Council consider that measures provided for in Article 41 would be inadequate; it may take such action by air and naval forces, or land as necessary to maintain international peace and security


Today is the sixty fourth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations which was born following the end of the Second World War and which meant to maintain international peace and security right after the birth of the United Nations from the womb of the Second World War.

On October 24th 1945, 51 countries ratified the UN Charter to join forces in order to maintain peace and security through international cooperation, and the fact is that the nuclear super powers who won the Second World War now take full control of the destiny of the entire world which is confined to the interests of the five members of the Security Council which most of the time acts on the fringe of the humanitarian ethics and standards such as the case with Syria.

In fact, the Arab and Muslim countries stood by the anti-Hitler coalition which then centered their foreign policies towards ensuring the safety the newly-formed state of Israel by creating totalitarian and oppressive regimes to secure that purpose.

The UN Charter was followed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the December 10, 1948 which consists of 30 articles that mean to ensure the freedom of speech, political participation and others according to articles No. 21 and 10

Today the world is shedding the light on the principles of human rights but each country views them form its own perspective according to the following scenarios:

– The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights that celebrated the International Day of Human Rights under the slogan of “my voice matters”, sees the Arab Spring revolutions as a result of decades long suppression and human rights abuses in the Arab region which is consistent with its stance towards the root issue of the Syrian revolution coupled with the complicity of the UN Security Council in the ongoing bloodshed in Syria. Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights strongly condemned the UN’s stalemate and failure to protect the innocent lives and put an end to the 21-month crisis the has torn the country apart and left hundreds of thousands of people dead, wounded and displaced. Pillay reiterated her call upon the UNSC member states to live up to their claimed responsibilities and seek a final solution to the widening crisis that could soon have regional ramifications.

The General Secretary of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon declared That Syria is lost now, for the international community didn’t unite for the preservation of peace and security in this country for Assad refusing to step down and give a way for a smooth political and democratic change in the country.

The International Red Cross Organization as well as the German Doctors Without Borders have repeatedly voiced their deep concerns over the worsening humanitarian crisis in Syria due to the continuing regime shelling that destroyed almost everything including hospitals and bakeries.

On the other hand, the Human Rights Watch and the Amnesty Internationalcalled upon the newly-formed Syrian National Coalition to put an end to the violations committed by the opposition forces. Human rights watch has documents 12 human rights violations by the opposition forces since they took up arms some 15 months ago, at the end of this statement, a link to a YouTube video shows opposition forces executing a number of Syrian soldiers while in another report, the same organization accused them of using children as human shields.

The Syrian Human Rights Organization believes the following are true statements:

– Under any law; The Syrian state is the only legal body responsible for protecting the basic rights of its citizens and not the opposition. The Syrian regime didn’t only fail to protect its citizens, it also massacred more than 50000 of them in some of the most heinous and horrible ways one can think of.

–  The world agrees on the fact that the Syrian revolution began as peaceful movement, and remained so for at least seven months, during when peaceful protesters thought that the International community along with the human rights organizations will stand by their side and hold the Assad regime accountable for firing on, arresting and torturing peaceful protesters.

– Naturally, and based on the global undisputed law which gives the right for any human being to defend him/herself, peaceful protesters decided to take up arms and formed armed groups to respond to the brutal crackdown as the international community kept giving the Assad regime more and more time and even showed absolutely no interest in defending the pro-democracy protesters in Syria. The Assad regime used all sort of heavy weaponry including internationally outlawed weapons such as cluster and white phosphorus bombs that wreaked havoc on the opposition towns and left thousands of women, children and elderly dead and wounded. Let alone the arbitrary arrests, looting and arson campaign carried out through the country and yet no serious action was taken.

–  Armed opposition groups were formed quickly and doesn’t have the capability to command and control as well as the power to hold the lawbreakers accountable for their crimes.

– The international human rights organizations tend to put both the murderer and the victim on the same level of accountability.

We, The Syrian Human Rights Organization condemn in the strongest terms the violations committed by opposition groups and stress the need to bring all offenders to justice.

The Syrian Human Rights Organization has started watching the human rights abuses by the opposition forces in the so-called liberated zones, and has appointed its chief executive in its Aleppo officer “Mr. Adel ….” to take responsibility of this task.

The judiciary committee of the Judiciary Council has approved the idea of establishing an office for our organization within the court in order to be able to ensure the compliance of prisons as well as the trials with the approved laws. Our organization will then try to expand this mission to include police stations and other premises of the Free Syrian Army.


Subsequent to data released by the Syrian Organization for Human Rights, the plight of the Syrians has passed the following phases:

– 10460 victim died since the date of the international envoy Kofi Annan who presented his plan for the Syrian regime on 10/03/2012

–  Number of victims until the date of the resignation of the UN envoy Kofi Annan of his mission on 8/2/2012has arrived \ 22912 \victims whom / 1787 / child and  / 1766 / women.

– And that before Mr. Al – Ibrahimi’s mission starts as an international envoy on 08.16.2012 after the resignation of Kofi Annan, number of victims has increased to / 25,743 /

–  After about four months of receipt of Mr. Brahimi for the task, the number of victims today increased more than / 48,497 /, / 3631 / child  / 3644 / woman with a marked increase in the frequency and techniques of mass murder.


Some examples of the summary executions carried out by the Syrian forces:

– On the evening of Monday, 20/8/2012, during evening prayers, a group of elements of the military checkpoint of the Syrian regime stormed the mosque of Said Jamahi, which was full of families coming from different disaster areas; the soldiers has  fired randomly and  arrested three children who were bringing water, and arrested three others who were cleaning the bathrooms of the mosque, and arrested a young man was on the sight at the age of 16

And at seven, the next morning 08/21/2012 / the people of the neighborhood discovered pieces of detained seven children in addition to three other children Dumped in place before the eyes of the people of the neighborhood after being executed and were clear signs of torture on their bodies.

– The execution of the child Abderraouf Leila and his sister Leila residents of Al Qaboun, after being tortured.


– The perpetrators were members and officers of the Regime.

– All victims were unarmed civilians.

– All victims were from the teenagers and children.

– All victims were tortured before execution, slaughtered with knives.

– All were executed to be deterring anyone who thinks to struggle against the regime.

-In addition to a victim in Yelda by burning his body inside his car in front of the mosque Al  Mujahideen

– In addition to two victims who were executed on the ground by the forces of the regime, affiliated to Damascus after being arrested and tortured.

-Another 7 bodies of victims as well, from Al Tall were discovered in military hospital after being tortured and executed in the field.

-On The previous day Sunday, 19/8/2012 regime forces arrested at least 158 victims; more than 15 victims were executed in the field in the town of Tal, Mostly of Al Ahmar family

– In Daraa, regime forces executed Qasim Nassan who was shot in the head


– Abdul Karim Gaddah, a pharmacist who was executed in the field, and has been working in field hospitals.

– Reza Abdullah al-Hariri was executed in his house and in front of his children

– On Saturday, 18/8/2012 the day before, at least 171 victims were died while been shot by the Syrian regime forces

– On the same date, Recruiter Muhannad Sioufi bin Abdul Karim from Shaghour neighborhood in Damascus, was executed on the ground for refusing to fire on his own people in the province of Idlib.

– The child Firas Sracba resident Alghannto was executed on the ground with several gunshots by regime force.


– On Friday, 17/8/2012 bodies of / 30 / victim were found executed  in cold blood at the hands of regime forces / 17 / victim of them from Duma were Slaughtered with knives.

– In Daria, regime forces have executed a victim which was not possible for us to identify him because of the severe torture he suffered before his execution.

– And in the Qaboun neighborhood of Damascus, Naeem  Rihani and Bakr Al Rashi  were executed in addition to other victim, which we couldn’t verify.

In Aleppo:

– Body of an unidentified person, was found clearly burned and tortured.

– As well as in Izaz Aleppo, regime forces carried out a field execution of a young man, Mahmoud Abdul-Rahman al-Baghdadi

In Homs:

-On the same date, regime forces have executed three detainees from the Der Baalbe after been tortured, and then threw their bodies in the cemetery, where the terrible effect of torture was clear.

–On the same day the regime forces also have executed Yousef Al Masry who was  dissident troop

– In Al-Qsair, in the province of Homs, regime forces have executed on the ground the whole family.

In Daraa:

– Eight unidentified victims were found all burned in Daraa

– Namer , Daraa, the child Abu Bakr al-Hamad / 15 /years was excuted in  manner of slaughter at the hands of regime forces

– Add to Shafi Mahmoud Alangelat / 14 / years, he was slaughtered at the hands of regime forces.

In Idlib:

– Regime forces has on the same day excuted Abdul Qader Ahmed al-Akhras from the people and residents of Jericho in Idlib

– The regime forces also have executed Akel Mohammed Asaad , resident of Idlib.

In Der ilzor:

– Regime forces have also excuted both Ahmed Mahamd and Munir Al-Abdullah.

In Hama:

– Regime forces executed Ameera Yaseen, resident of Asharna Hama, who was killed by the army bullets.

– On Thursday, 16/8/2012

– / 60 / victims were found all executed  at the hands of regime forces and dumped in a landfill after burned, in the city of Katana of the Damascus countryside.

– The regime forces have executed a group of detainees after 2days of arresting them.

– And the same date, regime forces executed three victims in Almedmah.

In Homs:

– Regime forces have executed in Al Qsair, in the province of Homs an entire family.

– The regime forces has also executed on the same day, eight victims in Der Baalbe, who have not been identified from the intensity of distortion.

In Idlib:

– Regime forces have executed Mustafa Hakoukh from the people and the population of Idlib

In Daraa:

– Regime forces on the ground have executed Hussein Ali Shuli from the people and the population of Nawa.

In Hama:

– Regime forces killed the child Mostafa Ziad Ejreban / 15 / from Tmanah village

That was a simple highlight on the side of a very simple truth depicting the suffering of Syrians for the sake of gaining their freedom and dignity, and in fact, Syria has seen daily summary executions since more than one year. At the same time, the Syrian Human Rights Organization believes that the Arab Spring is a great chance for international decision-makers and super powers to redo their calculations before it’s too late.



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